Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Clear the Decks

Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! Battle Stations! Battle Stations! Clear The Decks! Clear The Decks!

We have 26 people coming to our house for Thanksgiving Dinner tomorrow. Everyone is bringing something to share so we don't have to cook it all, but it still means LOTS of "deck clearing" is going on now. That's why you saw the laundry room soooo tidy yesterday. There's a frige in there so I think we'll use it for drinks and cold dishes.

The kitchen will also have its counters cleared in preparation for the turkey chefs. (That would be the Lord of the Manor and his brother.) Several dishes will have to be warmed up and cooked there, so I'm removing anything that doesn't absolutely need to be there. Bye bye toaster, cook books, and canisters. See you Friday.

I plan to set one table indoors and another outdoors and serve buffet style in the kitchen. We'll use part of the counter, the table, and another little sideboard in there. It will be easy for the chefs to replenish the platters and the food will stay warmer indoors anyway, so guests will just have to file through the kitchen, then move to the table of their choice. Thank goodness the weather in California is warm enough for outdoor dining.

So that's what I'm thinking about today here Amongst The Oaks.


  1. We're clearing the decks, too! But we're only having 10 people, including ourselves. 26 people, YIKES!

    Have a great, happy, not-too-crazy day!

  2. i agree "26 people, YIKES!"
    But it should be interesting i guess...
    love Teen2

  3. Do you know I have to clear the decks in the kitchen when we have visitors, to make way for the food, drinks, glasses etc. I end up ferrying it all into our sun lounge and as soon as the guests have gone I have to ferry it all back again, it would make much more sense to win the lottery and buy a bigger place, dream on! I hope you have a 'merry' time. x
