Saturday, November 17, 2007

Love in the Garden

I had just experienced a long ferry ride, impersonal Customs officials, and a disorienting ride in a rental car on the wrong side of the road. Love was the last thing on my mind; frankly I just wanted a nap, but as often happens when traveling, fate had other ideas!

First it was the gentle whisper of the River Test, then it was the warm caress of the breeze through the trees, and finally the sweet taste of tea and scones on the lawn.......that's when I fell in love with England and all its charms. The gentle landscape, the gracious customs, the ancient architecture, and the public gardens.It was all soooo beautiful and sooo civilised. And then I walked to the Rose Garden and that was when I positively swooned. Here was my dream garden; loads and loads and loads of roses, spire after spire of foxgloves, aged brick walls, graceful white benches...absolutely perfect.

And while I was inspecting every rose and adoring the garden in my way, the Lord of the Manor and Teen2 were enjoying the garden in their way. Yes, they actually succumbed to temptation and took a nap there on the lawn.

I don't regret missing the nap I'd wanted earlier because the beauty and fragrance of the rose garden reinvigorated me as no nap ever could. I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for Mottisfont Abbey and its cordial introduction to England.


  1. Now-adays I think I might-ive enjoyed the garden a bit more! XD
    It reminds me of Alice in Wonderland or something!
    By the way I think your garden is just as wonderful mommy!!

  2. *Swoon* How can one NOT love England, really? 'Tis truly a magical place. Going there was like coming home, though I'd never been there before.

    Sigh. Your pictures make me miss it all over again.
