Saturday, December 29, 2007

Field Trip

I've been a naughty blogger lately, haven't I? One would think I've been on Holiday or something! Well I have. We've just been taking it easy here Amongst The Oaks; haven't even taken down the decorations yet. The Lord of the Manor and I returned to work after Christmas, but the Teens are sleeping in and playing with their new "toys", and I haven't cooked a proper meal in days. (I'm making them eat up all the leftovers.)

We did go on a little field trip the other day though. We drove out to the end of Woodbridge Road to visit the whooping cranes. Every winter thousands of them visit the fields out there. It's a nice day out. We always take binoculars and cameras and try to get a few good snaps. We also saw kingfishers, coots, egrets, hawks, ducks, seagulls, and killdeer. I hope you enjoy these pictures. Here is my favorite site for bird identification.


  1. Hi, Laura- I just wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy New Year! Hope you had a good vacation.


  2. I think we forget that Christmas is for enjoying, not just standing over a hot stove. Looks like you had a great field trip, I love doing this sort of thing, we try and take time out every now again to get out on our bicyles, to admire the local scenery, you always feel so much better for doing it. x
