Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Adventurous Corner

I've had fun seeing other bloggers' "Corners of my Home" so I thought I'd show you one of mine. Here's a corner in the library. I think this stuff has been here for about 4 years, virtually unchanged. Clockwise from the upper left you first see the anchor light from our sailboat. We had electric lights, but when we were anchored out for days on end and couldn't charge our batteries, we needed a dependable anchor light, so we used this kerosene lamp. Above it you see a corner of our yacht club burgee, then a sailboat model, and a silver cup we found hidden behind a drawer when we remodeled the house. When we started tearing things apart there it was, wrapped in paper, hidden away. It's not engraved, so we'll never know its significance. Next is a stack of old books inherited from Grandma (the top one is called Faraway Ports), a leftover block from our old sailboat, and a photo of us back in our sailing days. Standing on the left is the Lord of the Manor's grandfather's packet of flying papers. He became a pilot in 1930 and the Lord of the Manor inherited that same love of flying. The Lord has been a pilot for years and even taught others to fly helicopters for a while. In fact we both love flying and owned a small plane that we used to fly around the US and Mexico. Alas, that was BC (before children).
So there's just one little corner, but it holds so many memories. That's something I love about decorating my home; creating vignettes with old items that are so meaningful to us.

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