Sunday, January 27, 2008


Yesterday between rainstorms I went for a walk. Up by the walk bridge someone had thrown trash all about. I tried not to focus on it, but it was difficult. It looked so ugly and out of place there.
I soon passed it by and focused on nicer things like these pretty red berries....

this beautiful quince blossom....

this perky daffodil.....

this new frond....

and this brave little violet....

When I got home I looked up focus in my big fat dictionary.
Definition #6 said:
a center of activity or attraction.
I like that. I think my new word is focus. My mantra for 2008.
I'll focus on nice things and ignore the trash.
Oh, the trash will still be there and I'll help where I can, but it's not my fault and not my responsibility to clean it all up. If I can just keep my corner tidy and focus on the good stuff, I think things will be good here Amongst The Oaks.

1 comment:

  1. Love the photographs, Violets are one of my favourites. Staying focused is something I am lousy at too, its so easy to get sidetracked by negativity!
