Monday, January 7, 2008

Winter Diversions

It's been windy and rainy here in California, but yesterday between storms I caught this beautiful sight. Moss that sprouts with the dampness is making the branches look green. With the low winter sun and the dark sky behind it makes a striking scene, doesn't it?

The wet weather is keeping us indoors sitting by the fire drinking lots of tea, so yesterday I made this tea cosy. I went to the scrap box and found a tiny bit of chintz and some striped fabric for the lining and some quilt batting for insulation. I'm quite chuffed with it.

Meanwhile Teen2 decided she needed a hat so she made this. I'm sure some of your children will recognize it as a Moogle. "Kupo!" Doesn't her mind works in strange and mysterious ways?

You just gotta love the little purple wings on the back.

Anyway, that's what we've been doing during the wet weather here Amongst The Oaks.


  1. Hello Oaks, thanks dropping by my blog. I have just had a lovely time visiting yours. I want to make a tea cozy also. I collect teapots, but the teapot I use most is the plain traditional white one. So brave, on your pretty tea cozy. And the hat, what fun! It's a keeper, especially the memory's that were made with it for your daughter. Visit soon, amy

  2. Laura - I love your tea cozy - you did a great job! The hat's hilarious and she's so cute in it.

    So how do you know the English saying "chuffed"? Don't think I've ever heard it said by an American!

    My dh is on his way to Sacramento - hope he doesn't get washed away while on your coast. Stay safe - and please send us some desperately needed rain.

  3. Hi Mary,
    I read "chuffed" in a blog somewhere and knew instantly what it meant. I've traveled to England twice, so maybe I heard it there too. I guess you could say I'm an Anglophile. I'll post a blog about our last visit to Devon and Cornwall soon.
    The weather here has been wet and windy, but no damage or flooding. Since Sacramento is only about 60 miles away, it should be similar, so dh should be ok.
    Thanks for the nice visit. ~Laura
    Amongst The Oaks

  4. Oh, what a beautiful photo! Thanks for visiting my blog. I loved hearing the story of your desk and it's secret compartments. How cool is that?!

    I think we must have a lot in common -- I'm an anglophile, too. Come visit again soon.
