Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My Office

Look at this cool thing I made yesterday. It's a wall quote. I'd seen them in shops and wanted to make one, so I googled "wall quotes" and found several sites. I didn't see one exactly like this, but I got some good ideas. Since I'm in the sign business, it was just no trouble at all to whip one out and stick it to the wall in my office.

When I redecorated my office last year, I printed, framed and hung all these photos from my travels, but it never looked quite "done." I'm really happy with it now. Below the quote are photos of Venice, Assisi, Lucca and Roen Cathedral. On the other walls I have photos of Pisa, Siena, Lacock, and Paris. I really enjoy this inspiration at work. It helps me to remember why I'm working in the first place.

I also have this memory board that I made. I put all kinds of interesting cards, photos, and brochures on it. Can you see Siena in the upper right? Then going anticlockwise, there's the leaning Tower of Pisa, the Trevi Fountain in Rome, Berkeley, Paris, Rome again, Vernazza, and Stonehenge.

Although I've never bought one, I just love memory boards and have several. I've made all mine. It's really easy. And you can make it exactly how you want it: size, color, details, etc. This one is rather masculine; beige linen, black grosgrain ribbon and plain black buttons. (Hey, I should do a tutorial on that. Reminder to self: memory board tutorial.)

So here I am at work, dreaming of traveling while I should be working.


  1. A lovely place to work and dream!!


  2. Hey i like how your office looks now mom! coool :o)

    (Teen 1)

  3. Perfect. It definitely has a finished look and the script is beautiful.

    Knitty, Vintage and Rosy

  4. Wonderful office!! LOVE the photos -- and the quote too!

    Jan at Rosemary Cottage

  5. Love your travel wall and saying.....taking your advice and reporting in from somewhere in the Caribbean!! Loves!

  6. Really nicely done-- extremely elegant!

  7. Oh Laura, this is wonderful -- grounded and elegant -- truly beautiful!

  8. Love this quote and the typefaces you used. I have some quotes on my walls - just had to remove the one in the stairwell though when we repainted - I miss it so may order another.

  9. Whilst trawling through blogs I keep seeing things that I don't ever get round to doing, your memory board for one and a picture wall for another, maybe in time. Your memory board looks great, as does the script, very well done. x

  10. You have created a wonderful design concept for your office. Thanks for sharing.
