Monday, March 24, 2008

B-E-A-UUU-tiful Day

We had a B-E-A-UUUU-tiful day (name the movie) yesterday. The weather was perfect. The food was scrummy. Wisteria perfumed the air.

I enjoyed more of my favorite colors.

And some of my favorite foods.


Potato salad....


Barbecued chicken...

And cake.
There's a little story that goes along with the cake. The Lord of the Manor did the grocery shopping Saturday. I thought I asked for a white cake mix, but he came back with a yellow cake mix and chocolate frosting with tiny chocolate chips in it. I'm sorry to admit that I don't make cake and frosting from scratch, and one of my sisters won't even eat my cakes because of that, but anyway, that's what I made. After I frosted the cake (wondering all the while how I'd make it look springy), I thought it looked like dirt! What's gardener do with dirt? Plant something in it. So that's how the cake ended up with violets in it. And actually, I was quite pleased with it.

And after lunch we all sat and played games and talked and listened to these huge bees droning in the blossoms. It was B-E-A-UUUUU-tiful day.
ps: Yes, that's a fireplace in our back garden. We use it often in the fall when we sit outside in the evening. And we even cook in it sometimes. I'll do a post on that sometime in April. And the Teens got off to Mexico last evening and phoned me this afternoon as they were preparing to cross the border. So far, so good.


  1. I think your cake looks fabulous -- what a great idea! Were those fresh or silk violets?

  2. Everything looks delightful, delicious and "delovely".

    Now, can I please have a piece of your cake. It doesn't bother me at all that it is not from scratch.

  3. love your wistariacam, and the cal. references. my teens, now in their twenties, still call after crossing into and out of mexico. good children!jkj

  4. Your photos look gorgeous and your cake could go down nicely with a cup of Earl Grey Tea!

  5. Mr. Goodbar, looove them. Your Easter eggs were lovely. Did you make those?

    Hope your holidays were a treat.

    Lisa xo
    Knitty, Vintage and Rosy

  6. Now, as a Cancerian (well spotted on the water sign!) and equally as food loving as you Taureans, (which my other half is) I really relate to those lovely photos...and very admirous of your wisteria arbour. Taureans - excellent cooks, (and lots of it) and homemakers.

  7. Mmmmmmmm--all that food looks so scrumptious! Now I'm hungry!
    I love seeing bees are making a come back too.
    Hugs, Pat

  8. Hi, all that food is making my mouth water!
    Margaret and Noreen
