Monday, March 17, 2008

Colors of Spring

Perhaps because I was born in the Spring I have a special affinity for it. I love the warmer weather and the fresh green shoots. I love the lengthening days and the returning birds. I love the scented blossoms and the fresh breezes. But I especially love the colors. And the colors of Spring seem to be popping up everywhere here Amongst The Oaks.

Here is that perfect blue of a breezy Spring sky.

And here is a beautiful purple flower.

Look at the fresh green of these delicate new ivy leaves.

Remember this luscious peach colored daffodil?

And these cheerful pink shamrocks seem appropriate for today.

In the house the sunlight seems to bring a new color to everyday items.

Even the floor is decorated for spring thanks to the crystals hanging in the window.

I just love Spring, how about you?


  1. Spring is a wonderful time of the year. Full of hope and cheer!

    I have enjoyed looking at your photos. I have posted some spring flowers on my blog too at

    Enjoy... Joanna

  2. Me, too. Spring is my favorite season.

    Thanks for sharing your pictures.

  3. the purple flower is one of the periwinkle (greater, intermediate and lesser, Vinca species) all of which grow in the hedgerows locally, and are very beautiful early in the year.

    love Spot

  4. I love the rainbow across the floor -- prisms always remind me of Mr Pendleton in Pollyanna. I would love to find an old chandelier and take apart the prisms to use at my windows.

  5. Oh oh oh! What IS that peachy daffodil??? I have never ever in my life seen one, are they common over there? I adore spring too, it is only just creeping in over here, but so welcome!

  6. I absolutely adore Spring. Today we have a change in the weather, if only for a short while. There is beautiful sunshine streaming in on me at my PC, and I am looking out onto lovely blue skies. I have periwinkle and ivy in abundance in my garden! x
