Monday, March 31, 2008

Lilac Vase

My MIL gave me this vase several years ago at a time when purple and lavender were not popular colors in decorating. I think it must be old; it says Limoges, AL, France on the bottom. It has three twisted handles that are shaped like branches. My lilac is blooming like crazy now so I got it out the other day and and was reminded why I put lilac in it every spring. Isn't it lovely? I hope you enjoy it too.


  1. The vase and the lilacs were made for each other.

    Thanks for the picture. It is the first time I have really had a good look at lilacs. They are my best friends' favorite bloom.

    That's a nice mother-in-law you have.

  2. It is lovely and very refreshing. Beautiful together.

  3. Ooh, that really is pretty! Spring is a little later here in southern England, but it's on its way....and then I'll have some lilac of my own to look at.

  4. That vase would be gorgeous filled with anything!

  5. Yes, if it is Limoges it is old and very, very collectible! And very lovely.

  6. The vase is gorgeous, as is the lilac. I would think being Limoges, it is quite valuable. I would love it to grace my table as a centrepiece. x

  7. Very lovely, indeed. And I love the rose below.


  8. Oooohhh. That vase is perfect! Lilacs are my fave.

  9. Gorgeous!!! Loved your flower photos -- been checking in every day just to see your photos!

    Jan at Rosemary Cottage

  10. Oh how lovely. And I'll bet it smells divine!

  11. Beautiful! Love the vase and the lilac...what an unusual colour!
    Margaret and Noreen

  12. I can't believe your lilacs are blooming! What part of the country do you live in? I live in Utah where we had SNOW today. My lilac bushes are still just sticks, I keep checking every day.....oh for Spring to be here!

  13. Wow - lovely lilac. Wish we were that far on, it was snowing like crazy here the other day in Kent.

    Limoges sounds like a pretty good make of vase!

  14. Ok, I had to wipe the drool off my computer. I LOVE lilacs and that vase, well, what can I say!!!!! What part of California are you in? My SIL works for a sign company. Small world.
