Friday, March 14, 2008

More Doors of the World

I was so intrigued by the Doors of the World post, that I wanted to share a few other photos I've taken over the years.

Here is that Oxford door I first thought of using.

Here is a door in Nice, France.

Here are several doors in Lucca, Italy.

Bicycles seem to be the preferred mode of transportation in the walled portion of Lucca.

Here is a grand door in the tiny village of Civita de Bagnoreggio, Italy.

And another door to a mysterious garden in Civita.

And this last door is also in Civita.


  1. That door into the garden ... looks like it leads into a wonderful secret place. What a great photo!

  2. Oooohh, I LOVE these! Aren't they gorgeous? Have you been to all these places? Lucky Laura!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Oooh! More great doors. I could keep going too. I keep seeing more doors that I could have included.
    I really like those dogs in the previous post too. Looks like fun. You could make an animated short movie.

  4. Some more great doors. You have obviously travelled.

  5. The massive wood door to my brother's French house is over 200 years old - the key is a huge iron one, like a 'key to the castle'. I photographed it in 2006 and used is as the intro to the scrapbook I made them as a housewarming gift - they loved it!!

    Doors are fabulous - and don't you always wonder what's going on behind them!!!!?

  6. I wanted to visit Lucca when we were in Itlay, but we went to San Gimignano instead -- another beautiful town! I love this post! Someday I'll have to go through all my travel photos and find interesting doors. Great idea!

    Hugs, Pat
