Sunday, June 1, 2008

Lavender Craft

I been collecting lavender buds lately. Several fall off when I make a lavender wand, and some I cut on purpose, let dry, and rubbed off the stems. I collected a candy dish full of them, so I decided to make some sachets. Yesterday I cut out several hearts in different fabrics and sewed them together leaving a 1" opening.
Then after turning and ironing them, I just put them in the dish to fill them up.

After the third one I ran out of buds, so guess what I did this morning; I went out and cut all the flowers off my plants so I can fill up the last four hearts.

Then after slip stitching the openings I added a ribbon to hang it and an old button from Grandma's button box.
Here's the three I finished. I gave them to the ladies last night at our Gourmand dinner.


And on a wistful note - our baby Phoebes flew away yesterday. There were three survivors from the five eggs. Two of them, sadly, were either pushed out of the nest or fell out a couple of weeks ago. I took this picture Friday afternoon. It was getting rather crowded in the nest, wasn't it? I sure hope they are ok. Good luck baby Phoebes.


  1. Your lavender hearts are so pretty. I know they will treasure them as a special gift from you.

    Poor little phoebes. I hope the others do well on their new adventure in life.

  2. Your lavender hearts are lovely -- and you make it look so simple! I tried and tried to make the wands, but I have a different kind of lavender with very full heads, so when I used few heads there weren't enough stems, and too many heads just made a huge 'blob' shape. Any hints as I'd love to make these.

  3. Hi Laura
    Your lavender hearts are very sweet.
    Do you have a front porch or deck that you use a lot? If you do I want you to join my front porch party on Thursday. The details are on my blog.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  4. Your lavender hearts are beautifully made, the ladies were very lucky to be receiving those as gifts. How lovely to have the birds nest, such a wonderful experience to watch the babies grow and eventually fledge. x
