Saturday, June 21, 2008

Second Pink Saturday

I like pink a lot, so I have lots of pink things to choose from for my second Pink Saturday. Here is a little silk purse that holds my Mom's pearls. She gave them to me when I turned 50. She gave them to me because when I was a baby I grabbed at them and broke the strand. They went flying everywhere, but thankfully they were gathered and restrung.

I love cranberry glass and have a few pieces. Here is a cranberry glass vase that my sister gave to me. Actually, she gave it to Teen1 when she was about 4 months old, and I suppose I'll give it to her someday, but for now I think of it as mine.
And here is a scarf I bought in Paris. It was so cold that spring we thought we'd freeze! And as we were driving back from Giverny, it even snowed! I really needed that scarf and when I wear it every winter, I think back on that fun trip.


  1. Laura, I am so happy that you are participating in Pink Saturday again.

    Your pink things are exquisite, and each one has so much sentimental value.

    My strand of pearls is in a pink satin case, too. My son used to pull at them when he was little, too.

    I agree that the vase is yours for now. And, that pretty pink scarf looks so soft and warm.

  2. Laura, Such pretty "pink" treasures!....Heidi :)

  3. What a treasure to have your mother's pearls!

    I love cranberry glass. I wish I had some, though I have no place to display any!

    The scarf looks very soft and pretty.

    take care,

  4. Very pretty pink things. My first time on your blog...I'll be back to browse some more.
