Monday, June 16, 2008

White Flower Challenge - Day 16


Mock Orange

When we moved to this neighborhood 11 years ago, I had never seen this plant. It lives in a semi-wild area across the street that we call the jungle. It's really a 25'x 75' densely landscaped strip that hides a neighbor's fence along their back garden. But it has lots of interesting plants and provides cover for the critters that scurry through our neighborhood. The oleander from Day 5 lives in the jungle too.

When this plant bloomed with its heavenly scent, I got my Sunset Western Garden Book and searched until I discovered Mock Orange. (Since I started the White Flower Challenge, I've had that same book on my desk every day.) The book says the flowers have four petals, but this plant's flowers have both four and five petals. The scent is wonderful and I usually make a bouquet at least once, even though the petals soon fall.


  1. We had this shrub in our yard when I was growing up and I loved it. Just a whiff of it now brings me back to the innocent days of my youth.


  2. Ummm! I do believe I am catching the scent now.

  3. We have a huge specimen of this flowering in our garden at the moment and early morning and evening the garden smells lovely. I cut off a small branch and put it by the side of the bed. In no time the room was filled with a lovely aroma, better than room spray anyday. x

  4. I planted a mock orange last year~ I can't wait to see blooms! Maybe next year.
