Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Finished Hutch

I finished the final curtain last night and started moving some stuff into the new hutch. I found these cute storage boxes at the craft store. They fit onto the shelves perfectly. I think I'll go get more today. I made tags for them, but measured some different boxes which had smaller tags, so those are all wrong. But anyway, don't they look cute?
I stacked a few boxes on the shelves, and then the old tin with Grandma's buttons, and my old lunch box from elementary school. Isn't that cute the way I scratched my name onto it? Grrrr. Horrid child.
And I put the silverware caddy that I use to hold ribbon out there too. You may have seen that here.

I'd still like to paint the hutch white, but that will have to wait a while, because there is so much to do right now: Gormand party this Saturday, hair cutting appointments, August birthdays, and the girls start school next Wednesday. If only I didn't have to go to work, I'd have plenty of time here Amongst The Oaks!


  1. That hutch worked out perfectly for you supplies. When I re-read the post about the silverware caddy I realized that was when I first "discovered" your blog---I loved the tutorial on making the lavender wand and using the caddy to hold the supplies.

  2. Your hutch is gorgeous!
    How neat to recieve such a nice piece!
    Oh how I wish I had something like that to hold my craft goodies

  3. Great result and such lovely treasures to hoard in it. I wish my stash storages were so neat.
    Cheers Gillian

  4. Oh I needed someone JUST like you when I was trying to organize my office space. Beautiful job!

  5. I like what you have done to this unit to make it your own.
