Friday, September 19, 2008

Halloween Stuff

Happy Day, Happy Day! The Halloween Spirit Store opened today at 10:00am. I was there at 10:20 buying more pots of fire. We had two from previous years and really needed two more to hang on the front of the house, so now we have them.

When I got home I got out my Halloween stuff and spread it out on the dining room table. We have tombstones, spiders, skulls, bats, crows, and pots of fire. And some more stuff I haven't gotten out yet.

Here is a pot of fire. It's basically a black plastic bowl with a little fan, two orange lights, and some silk fabric. When you plug it in the silk flutters in the breeze and looks like real fire.

We got this skull several years ago at Disneyland.

And we also now have candles that bleed.

I can't wait to start decorating for Halloween here Amongst The Oaks.


  1. Oh I just get shivers of delight over all this stuff! I'm heading out to get some fun things of my own in just a few hours! I especially love that bust! Where did you get it? Can't wait to see what you conjure up!

  2. It is so much fun to decorate for Halloween! It'll be good spooky fun to see what you come up with! I'll be back for sure!

    I'm with pippajo - the bust is fabulous!

  3. Looks like you love Halloween, too! What a great collection of creepy stuff. Love your witchy photo!

  4. Ooh, I'm scared already.

  5. I have to admit that this is not something I have ever celebrated and yet I'm getting into it a bit with you guys feeling so much FOR IT.
    I don't know whether there is a village thing about it here because I wasn't here last year, so I shall have to wait and see.
    Perhaps I should start something with silhouettes in the windows?
    Cheers Gillian

  6. Oh I love your Halloween stuff -- I miss it now that my boys are older......

  7. My family thinks I'm the odd one out because I have more Halloween decorations than any other holiday.
    As much as I adore Christmas but more for the "actual" reason behind it,I have to admit,Halloween is the best holiday of them all!
    I love love LOVE your halloween stuff!

  8. And Halloween is not for another month? It's amazing what you all get up to over there, in the UK it is a very low key affair, if it is noticed at all! (But you can never have enough crows)
