Tuesday, September 9, 2008

More Creepy Crawlies

I keep seeing more and more creepy crawlies in my garden. Here is a praying mantis that I found on the roses last evening. I put my camera on macro and got real close.
Everything was ok for a while, then I guess I pushed in just a little too close....
and suddenly it got defensive and crawled up onto my camera. It's really hard to take a good photo when your subject is crawling across the top of your camera! Realizing that I'd molested this bug enough, I put it back on the plant and moved on.

Then I found this tomato horn worm. It's not full grown, only about 1.5" long. I usually find them when they are about 4" long: huge, tomato chomping devils! I simply pick them off and fling them into the field because we're all organic here Amongst The Oaks.


  1. Amazing pix!! I never see these around here.

  2. Laura, are we going to have to send the insect protector in the garden with you? ;-) Great pictures!!!

  3. Beverly,
    Only if you want to protect tomato worms! I'm very kind to most insects....

  4. I knew you were, Laura. I recognize you as a good spirit. I know that praying mantis knew you were a good sort, too.

    I agree with you about tomato worms. The insects that need to beware of me are Japanese beetles. Now, if they would stay away from my roses, I might be their friend.
