Sunday, September 14, 2008

Teen1's Birthday

Look at the big beautiful smile. It's hard to believe it has been 17 years since this lovely lady came into our lives. But here she is almost all grown up. Driving a car. Flinging her flag. Thinking of college. Snif snif.
She requested carrot cake for her party, so I baked it last night and frosted it this morning. Once when she was in second grade I baked carrot cupcakes and decorated every one of them like this. We took them to school to share with her class. I like that she mentioned that this morning when she saw the cake. I love that girl. Happy Birthday Teen1.


  1. Yes, Happy Birthday dear Teen1!!
    We had a lovely day celebrating with you and love you to the moon and back!!


  2. Happy Birthday to you, Teen 1, and a wonderful year to follow. You have a lovely smile, don't forget to wear it as often as you can.
    What a great cake and so beautifully iced (as we say in UK)!
    Cheers Gillian

  3. Lovely cake...what a fun decoration. Hope you all enjoyed the birthday celebrations.
    Margaret and Noreen

  4. Ahhhh, she's so cute! Love the cake decor!
