Friday, September 5, 2008


The Americans with Disabilities Act has changed our industry quite a bit. Lots and lots of our customers have Braille and raised letters on all their signs. First we cut and paint the blank signs. Then we apply a thin plastic for the letters and route them out quickly before the adhesive gets to aggressive. Last we pull off the excess plastic leaving the raised letters. Our CNC router is invaluable for this type of sign as it cuts the letters and drills the holes for the rasters. Lastly we press the rasters into the holes and clean up the sign.

Here's a stack that I helped with the other day. We have a little tool that sucks the rasters up and holds them until you press them into the holes. It takes quite a bit of pressure to seat them, so my arm was sore by the end of the day, but we got them done. And now Kaiser Permanente is happy, happy, happy with their signs.

We put in about 4000 rasters that day. Who wants to help next time?


  1. I find this very interesting, Laura, as I worked with special services in public schools for several years. I didn't know how the Braille addition to signs was accomplished.

    How many will that little cottage sleep? Looks like it could be Beverly and me for sure--so far.

  2. Dana,
    I fount that spooky font at
    It's called "scary caps" font.
    Hope that helps,

  3. As a society, we really have come a long way - but we have so much more to achieve.

    Dana, you can have first choice. I'll be happy to sleep on a pallet. Just know that it will take me an hour to get up off the floor and get the kinks out. These days I'm all kinks.

  4. I just had my sister stay for a week. She has MS and cannot walk. It took me a while to find suitable places to take her that she would enjoy and we could get around.
    Thank you for making your place more available for everyone. It is one of those global things. If you do it someone else will do it and so on......
    Cheers Gillian
