Thursday, October 16, 2008

Art in the Home

Spot, who is an amazingly intelligent and worldly lurcher, asked about some artwork in my home. So here is a little sampling. Above is a copy of the relatives's painting called Drying Sails. Below is a larger piece called Summer Morning, St. Ives. The originals are at the Monterey Museum of Art.

We were lucky enough to be invited to a retrospective of the artist's work at the Carmel Art Association in 2001. It was grand to see so much of her work gathered together from museums and private collections. We've also seen her work at the Oakland Museum, and the DeYoung Museum in San Francisco. And we've also seen her work in the in law's living room and a second cousin's dining room in Chagford. What a delight to have an artist in the family.


  1. An artist in the family! You are blessed. Thats some gorgeous art.

  2. We love the paintings, in fact we are quite jealous. There is something very special about St Ives and the North Cornwall coast to have inspired so many artists. The paintings have the luminous colours and quality of light that still suffuse the town (even the multitude of fish and chip shops, pie shops and shops full of cheap tin trays). We keep looking and collecting. Sorry to visit so infrequently.
