Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Check out this yard I saw on my way home from work recently. I'm so jealous. They have everything! A bloody bride and grisly groom, lots of tombstones, a real casket, and lots of dead flower arrangements. They certainly win my award for best decorated house.

Then there's my house....I put out a few tombstones and my pots of fire Saturday. I was thinking maybe it needed something more, but this wasn't what I had in mind!

It seems some of Teen1 and Teen2's friends had fun in the middle of the night.

So guess what Teen1 and Teen2 did early Sunday morning?
But look at the evidence I found. I think it's about a size 7 Converse, so I'm checking all their buddy's shoes now.


  1. Ahhhh, yes, I recall a few trees looking like that---of course, my children would NEVER have done something like that! ;-) (yeah, right).

    Your poor t1 and t2 were no doubt thrilled to be out picking up the paper decor. By the way, your tombstones are the perfect touch. dana

  2. Love that "gory" wedding! Your house is beautiful, Laura, even with the tp! :)

  3. WOW....someone really went all out!
    Really cool...I bet they get lots of foot traffic. Very creepy!
