Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Locks of Love

Teen2 did something wonderful last Saturday. She cut her hair for Locks of Love. She scrubbed it for the next user, donned a tiara and we set off for the salon. Cathy (our stylist) made a ponytail, measured it, and quickly cut it off.

Teen2 said it was really weird to see her hair lying there on the counter, but she didn't seem shocked. In fact, she seemed to be enjoying it all; the shampoo, the trim, the styling.

And I'm quite proud of her. Someone is going to get some really nice, healthy, well loved hair. From a really cool kid, even if I do say so myself.


  1. BRAVO!!!!
    Your daughter just gave a wonderful gift. My DD has done this once and is almost ready to donate again. She wants a haircut so bad but is waiting until its long enough. I myself have been able to give twice.
    I know you must be a very proud mama!

  2. Wow-what a giving girl, you must be so proud!

  3. That is so cool. My daughter has donated her hair twice so far. I may eventually donate mine too. It is almost down to my waist now. Even if they can't use someone's hair, they can sell it to help fund their program.

  4. Kudos! Tell her that we all thank you good and thoughtful deeds. And, she looks fantastic.

  5. wonderful teen 2!! and she got to wear a tiara! she certainly deserves it giving away her beautiful hair. someone will be blessed! jkj

  6. What a loving gift!

    She has beautiful hair, too. And that new cut is so cute and sas-say!

