Monday, November 24, 2008

Catching Up

I bet you thought I'd fallen right off the edge of the world, didn't you? I haven't, but I've just been soooo busy lately, I haven't even had time to think about blogging. Heck, I almost forgot how to sign in! We've been busy at work, busy at home, and busy with Band Reviews and there's so much to tell you about.

We have done a few fun things. We went on the annual AAUW Home Tour. It's always fun to see people's home and how they decorate. And frankly, I'm tired of the same old, same old Mediterranean/Italian look that is so prevalent in California; tan stucco, tile roof, wrought iron, arched doors, museum kitchen, over-scale furniture, that whole staged look. Three of the four homes were just like that. Ah, but the last house, built in the 1920s, was my favorite. It had original divided light windows and french doors, beautiful built-in cabinets and mouldings, and wonderful flowery drapes and wallpapers. Classic style and so comfortable looking. I could have moved right in and been happy.

I helped at an out-of-town band review three weeks ago. We rumbled to a nearby town on the old yellow buses, french braided hair inside the bus because of the rain, walked the parade route carrying backup equipment, helped put it all away, watched the awards ceremony in the rain, then rumbled home again. And we did it all again this past Saturday, but it was Championships so that means it was the last one! There were some tears as the seniors realized they'd never march together again. But hey, guess what starts in January? Winter Guard. At least the percussion and guard will perform together in the second half of the school year.

And now about our Band Review. About three weeks before it, the Lord of the Manor and I went to a meeting to get up to speed regarding the signs, which we always make and install. It was quickly obvious that they desperately needed help with the food committees. As in they had no chairman. So guess who volunteered? Needless to say we were immersed in that project for days; planning, shopping, transporting, setting up, prepping, cooking, cleaning up, and putting it all away again. And we still did all the signs too. We left our house at 4:45am on the day of the Band Review and put up the signs first. Then we started our kitchen duties; the Lord of the Manor ran the industrial BBQ and I supervised the kitchen. That lasted for hours, then after everyone left at 10pm, we cleaned up and didn't get home until after 11:00pm. Then the next morning we went back and took down signs. I am SO glad Teen1 is a senior.

Then there was an anniversary celebration for the in-laws two weeks ago, the Lord of the Manor's birthday last week, more work on the studio/cottage, and all the usual yardwork, housework, laundry and groceries. And my poor old Dad had a burglary last week and they took all his cameras, a gun, some cash and credit cards, and *here's the worst* all my Mom's jewelry. I've been trying to help him figure out what she had and offering moral support, but we'll never replace it and he seems so depressed.
So the bottom line is that Thanksgiving is only three days away, we've invited twenty people, and this is the sum total of my preparedness:

One tiny little pumpkin plopped on the buffet. How pathetic. Looks like I'd better get busy, doesn't it? Actually, everyone brings something and we only do the turkey, stuffing, potatoes and gravy. So I should easily find some time to decorate a bit and set the tables. And Thursday when we all gather together we will have lots to be thankful for; snug homes, jobs, plenty of food, and each other.


  1. My goodness you have been busy! I remember the busy Band Review years. 7 years of it. We helped when we could. But I was going to work and to night school during most of those years. So I was tugging along homework and reading to do in breaks between bands at the parade and the field shows. We went to as many as we could. Then we helped out at the one our school hosted. The Vintage Reserve Band Review. Did your kids band ever attend that one? I remember each year's seniors getting emotional at their last one. I'm so sorry to hear about the breakin at your Dad's. That is horrible. So sad. I do hope that you will have a Happy Thanksgiving despite that.

  2. Yikes, you're not kidding you were busy! I fondly remember my marching band days; we all were exhausted by the time Thanksgiving rolled around! Good for you for being such an involved, supportive Mom.

    So sorry about your Dad's break-in. That has to be devastating. I really do hope he is able to bounce back from it.

    Glad you're back and wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving!

  3. I was in band in HS a zillion years ago and all we did was march in an occasional parade and perform at home football games. We were horrible--I lasted 2 years. My own kiddos tried band in JH, but that wasn't for them---so we spent YEARS and YEARS on the sport circuit--from 5 yrs old to HS and one was a VB player at the college level. I can recall spending hours helping with banquets, raffles, concession stands, carpooling to practices, weekends out of town for tounaments, on and on. It was such a busy time, but as you feel too, I'm sure, one of the best times ever--both as a child involved and as a parent. Enjoy every minute of it, Laura, cuz it will be gone so fast.
    I, too, am sorry about your dad's burglary. Thank goodness he wasn't injured--but it is still a huge pain dealing with the aftermath.
    Happy Thanksgiving---I love your simple TGiving decor of a little pumpkin on a stand. Simple and classy! :)


  4. Oh dear do you think you will have a day to rest after turkey day? I can relate though! Somehow we always seem to plow right on through life though don't we? Keep up the great work!
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    ~Tam :D

  5. now i understand why there were no posts. thanks for returning! i know you will have a great thanksgiving because you know what is important in life. enjoy!! jkj
