Wednesday, December 3, 2008

First Annual Cocktail Party

Our Gormande Club is having its First Annual Holiday Cocktail Party this Sunday at our house. I'm so excited! I've never had a "Cocktail Party". We plan to all bring hors d'oeuvres and just nibble and talk the night away. I've got the Williams-Sonoma Hors D'oeuvre book here in front of me and I'm thinking about making Moroccan-Style Meatballs...
Three-Cheese Filo Triangles...

and maybe Cremini Mushrooms stuffed with Spanish Ham.

Do any of you have a favorite hors d'oeuvre to recommend? This cocktail party thing reminds me of parties our parents' generation used to have. To do this right, I think I should wear a dress and heels and a fancy apron, and do my hair in a flip or maybe a chignon. What do you think? Too over the top?


  1. If you serve what you've shown above, I think you'll have a hit at your cocktail party. Food looks and sounds delicious! Yeah, get all gussied up and have fun!


  2. Everything sounds good. Well, except the mushrooms, but that is because I don't like mushrooms. But never mind me, many other people do like mushrooms. Go for it. Have a blast. And be sure to tell us about it all.

  3. amongst the tasty hors d'oeuvre I have had, I would definitely include fresh salmon with cream cheese, and savoury meat balls, and vol au vents. Unfortunately, the crumbs from the vol au vents in our downstairs dog basket indicated who had eaten what, and it clearly wasn't the guests. I am not sure the smacking bit of lip smackin' good was meant to be taken so seriously.

  4. Heavens, I would be paralyzed by nerves at the thought of hosting a cocktail party! But you're right, you simply MUST wear the dress, heels, fancy apron and flip/chignon! If there were ever an event that called for it, it's a cocktail party! And at Christmas? Definitely!

    Can't help you with hors d'oeuvres, but the ones pictured look marvelous.

  5. I love crab-stuffed mushrooms, too. They are always one of my favorites.

    Don't forget that you will need clip-on earrings. ;-)

  6. I think I have some clip-on earrings. How scary is that?

  7. How exciting. All the food looks so good. I have been following your blog for some time.
    Today is Blog Comment Day.
    Thank you for Sharing
    I hope you have a perfect day

  8. I just found your blog, and sooo enjoyed it! I came over from Cindys. Love the leaves nestled in the napkins...gorgeous...and I hmmmm covet your linen closet. Nicely organized. cherry
