Friday, January 2, 2009

Goodbye to Christmas

Today was "Goodbye to Christmas" day. I undecorated the Christmas tree and put away all the decorations, garland, and whatnot. I still have to do the outside decorations, but it was raining, so I'll wait until tomorrow. Maybe the rain will let up.
But I just couldn't put everything away so I left up these lights around the mirror. They do add a bit of cheer to this dreary month, don't you think?


  1. I whole-heartedly agree. I am wavering between taking everything down and leaving it up. The Viking wants to pack it all away, but I want the magic to linger just a wee bit longer. Maybe another week. But I usually take down just the Christmas stuff and leave a few wintery-themed things so the place doesn't look quite so bare until Spring.

    Goodbye to Christmas. How very sad.

  2. Makes it look like the mirror has sparkly snow on it. Very pretty that way. My stuff is still up. I wait until after Epiphany which is Jan 6th.

  3. Yes, I hate taking down everything, but I promised my hubby I would today- so I guess I must!lol But, I did not put out my snowmen this year, so I will take the Santas down, and I think I will replace them with my snowmen collection which I love. In fact, here in our part of the woods, it is usually Jan. & Feb. when we get wintry weather. So until Valentine's Day, I think I will keep my snowmen on display! V.

  4. It's hard to believe Christmas has come and gone---I don't recall much about it. What a shame. This was an exceptionally busy time this year in so many ways. Not a good excuse, but that's the way it was! I vow to be more prepared for next year--I have already purchased three gifts!
    Our Christmas decor is still up since it hasn't been on display that long--I'm really enjoying it now!
    I'm celebrating my 100th post--come sign up for my giveaway!
    Your tasting outing looked so great--loved your photo. I have never heard of a mushroom cigar!
    Have a good week. Dana
