Thursday, January 15, 2009

Redwork Patterns

I finally finished the Paris tea towel and realized I got a little carried away because it's way too complicated! I should have stopped at the Eiffel Tower, tulips, petanque and the Metro. I was so impressed with Paris I just wanted to squeeze it all in. Just like our trip, I wanted to see it all and do it all. Great for a trip, but not so good for a tea towel.

Here's my original drawing. First I printed out the words on the computer, then I sketched in images from the trip in pencil. When I was satisfied with the design, I darkened the lines with black ink. The cotton tea towels are thin enough to see through, so then I put the design beneath the towel and traced over it with the Mark-B-Gone pen. After embroidering the towel the marks disappeared with a few spritzes of water.

If you are not so artistically inclined, there are patterns available at the crafts store, online, or in books like this one my sister loaned me. It's full of beautiful examples of original pieces plus a history of the craft. It also includes a companion book with full size patterns of some of the most popular images.

Even if you can't find that book or these patterns, inspiration can be found all around you. You might find some cute little animals in a children's book. Or a motif to copy on some dishes. Or in a magazine or on fabric or wrapping paper. Those designs can easily be traced using tissue paper and resized if necessary on a copier or computer.
I hope you try some of this redwork. I've found it to be lots of fun and a great diversion. And you know what else? It keeps me from snacking in the evenings here Amongst The Oaks.


  1. you are amazing! i'm quite impressed with your ability and diligence! GOOD FOR YOU! clap, clap. do you take orders? jkj

  2. Thanks for the info. This is something I have never done and would like to try.
