Monday, March 9, 2009

Backyard Bird Count

We had a lovely weekend Amongst The Oaks; the weather was warm and clear with lots of bird sightings. I guess you could say we had an unofficial Backyard Bird Count here. Click on photos to enlarge.

I've talked about these Red Shouldered Hawks before, but over the weekend I walked to their nest and took these photos. They were collecting sticks and strips of palm frond and adding them to it. This nest isn't exactly in my backyard, but it's less than a block away.

I don't really know what this is. I use Cornell's site but I just can't figure this one out.

This is a mocking bird near a nest in a deciduous magnolia tree. I love their joyful song.

I was lucky to notice a hummingbird building a nest in a redwood tree. We also saw one taking a bath at our fountain. It hovered splashing in the stream of water several times while we all watched and laughed.

Here is a cedar waxwing. Sometimes a group will sleep in our magnolia tree. In the morning they all take off together, gather into larger groups and feed at fruit trees all day long.

Here is a Western Bluebird I saw at the golf course on my Saturday walk.

And here is a European Starling I saw near the Bluebird.

We also saw Scrub Jays, Robins, Varied Thrush, Woodpeckers, and Flickers in our yard. If we walk to the school/park/golf course, we see Seagulls, Geese, Mallards, and Coots. Over in the Target parking lot we see Pigeons and Blackbirds. I think next year I'm actually going to participate in the Great American Backyard Bird Count.


  1. great photos of birds - they can sometimes be so elusive. Thanks for sharing.

  2. this is a wonderful time of year in socal, too. birdsong every morning with my coffee. we have most of the ones you mention. i love when the hawks visit, but i fear for the hummers! anyway, thanks for the photos! jkj

  3. Excellent pictures!! I am so in awe of your knowledge of wild birds. You named a few I have seen but never knew their names! And you spotted a humminbird!! You definitely have "eagle eyes"!!! Poor attempt at a pun...


  4. I love your photos! Those hawks are amazing! The loveliest birds at our feeders during the summer are the iridescent deep blue indigo bunting. Do they live in California?

  5. I love your photos! Those hawks are amazing! The loveliest bird at our feeders during the summer is the irridescent deep blue indigo bunting. Do they live in California?

  6. You got some great pictures here!
