Friday, March 6, 2009


Do you ever lay awake at night with sleep evading you, thinking of things you need to do? And planning out how to do them? I do. Like Wednesday night whilst the Lord of the Manor was snoring away totally oblivious to the fact that he was shaking the wallpaper right off the walls and I was still awake staring at the clock, I was doing that. But I just cannot wake him up and tell him to roll over because I know how much he struggles to get a good night's sleep so I don't disturb him. I ended up on the couch.

Anyway there I was thinking of all the things I wanted to do, and one of them was genealogy. And painting the dining room, but that's another story. Several years ago when my kids were little, I started on it and got a program for my computer and entered lots of information. Then the computer died and I transferred all my data to the new computer and thought I'd get back to it soon. But the years went by, and that computer died too. I again transferred all the data knowing I'd get back to it soon. You see where this is going, don't you? Yep, I never got back to it, I don't have the program on my computer anymore, and I have no idea where the back up disk is. But I do have all my paper files.

So here is where my midnight thoughts took me: I really need to get a new program and enter all the information again. And so yesterday I ordered a new program and soon I will start entering the data again. And then we can share stories and photos of people like this with everyone.

This is my mother's family shortly after they arrived in California from Oklahoma. My mother is the little one in the front making the funny face. I think I looked just like that at that age. Funny face and all.


  1. I started researching my family tree several years ago. I had a large file with all the info I accumulated. It disappeared, probably accidentally thrown away. I started a new file later, but to this day, have done nothing with it. It's one of those things I need to do - sort of nags me. So, hopefully, I'll get inspired to do something. I know it's important for my family. That's a very nice picture you shared. Lovely family. I enjoy your blog.

  2. I love doing genealogy too!I have a program I downloaded for free from my churhes website. They have free online resorces at I also really like using for searching records. It has been very helpful for me. And with both sites I can exchange and download info between them. I have gotten so far with some of my family lines. It is fun to learn about all of my ancestors. I have had the same problem with computers loosing info. Thats one thing I like about it will always be there even if I loose it on my computer. Plus I try to have a back up disk every once in a while. My father in-law is very into genealogy as well so he keeps all the same files on his computer. So back up your info periodically on a disk or jump drive that way you won't loose it all again. Good luck with that adventure -can't wait to see more photos and hear some interesting family stories too!

  3. This sounds like a wonderful idea to start back up with. With computer technology it should be easier than it was so many years ago. I'm happy you decided to take it up again, I think you knew you would someday and now you are on the right track!

    I'm happy for you!


  4. I LOVE genealogy! It is such an adventure. I visited my g-g-g grandmother's grave a few years ago and from noting where her birthplace was on the headstone and contacting the genealogical library in that small town, I received a copy of her grandfather's will and application for a Rev. War pension! (We had no idea!) In that affadavit he described all the battles he had been in such as the Siege of Savannah and shot through the wrist in skirmishes with Cherokee Nation, and it was all in his own words. Incredibly fascinating to see where you come from. Every family has a story!

  5. My parents have done a lot on our family background. They went to Finland and Sweden to find more about our ancestors.

  6. I have all my information in my computer, and maybe I can figure out how to send it to you. I think genealogy is fascinating and that each family needs to have at least one person to keep up with everything.
