Saturday, April 25, 2009

Climbing Rose America and a Surprise

Today is the 25th day of my Rose Challenge and I'm sharing the climbing rose America. It is a salmon pink color and does well in our hot climate. It grows quite quickly into a 10' shrub covered with flowers all summer long. I have two of them given to me by my father. I rarely use them in bouquets because they aren't strongly scented, but they make a good landscape shrub.

And now for the surprise...
Check out this beautiful flower I saw yesterday. We were driving home for lunch on the same route we've driven for years when I saw it. I'd never seen it before so I asked the Lord of the Manor to stop so I could photograph it on the way back. Isn't it gorgeous?

It almost looked like a clump of chrysanthemums, but, no, the petals are too pointed.

Getting closer you see it's got a large deep throat; certainly not a chrysanthemum.

What kind of beast pollinates this thing? It's got to be big, perhaps a hummingbird? Any guesses what this flower is?

Give up?

Surprise! It's a cactus. It's called an Easter Lily Cactus or Echinopsis Oxygona. Isn't it amazing? I've seen cactus flowers before, but never anything like this. Has anyone else ever seen this before?


  1. Wow, that Easter Cactus is amazing - hard to believe it's a real living thing!

  2. That is a lot of flowers on one cactus. It looked vaguely familiar to me. I think my mom had something similar to it, but only bloomed one to two flowers at a time. Beautiful!!

  3. Hi, I had no idea what it was, but now I can see that only a cactus would have such amazing flowers!

  4. You had me guessing and surfing; I finally gave up and scrolled down to read what you had to say - that cactus is a thing of beauty. Does it bloom every year?

  5. Does it flower at Easter, and if so does it do it every year? A beautiful and amazing cactus. A close contender for your rose pictures!
    Cheers Gillian

  6. Wow, I did not think that was a cactus--inspiring!

  7. I too see the amaizing beauty in these cactus flowers. My mother had 3 of these cactus's and these beautiful flowers bloom every year. They are the mose beautiful I have ever seen, flowers. What is even more amaizing is that they grow and then blook at the same time and they last for a few days but tipically it's the first day that they live for, I think. They also follow the Sun. These flower are a true blessing to anyone that goes outside in the morning or afternoon and can stand in frunt of them. Words can not explain. They give me feelings are how beautiful and pure life is and can be.

  8. i have catus like this, they bloom every year. they are beautful and bloom for 24hrs and then die. but more come on..

  9. i meant to say in my last comment, they bloom, mine anyway, around the end of july/august. glad to find out what they are called.. the ones i have are really big now and have lots of little ones growing in the pot.
