Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ingrid Bergman

Today's rose is Ingrid Bergman. It's a large flowering deep red hybrid tea rose. The Lord of the Manor picked it out last year. It got a rather slow start because it was in the shade of the magnolia tree, but he thinned the tree so it should do better this year.

I had the same problem photographing red this time. It just doesn't look right. I'm going to try messing with the "levels" in Photoshop next time I do a red rose. Wish me luck.


  1. It's beautiful!

    You inspire me to grow more roses. I have three rosebushes in the front yard, a climber on my fence (Blaze, maybe?) and another bush in the backyard.

    The only one I really know the name for is Mr. Lincoln, who lives in the front yard.

    Thank you!


  2. The pictures are still so pretty! Here is a link

    They are open only once a year on the Saturday before Mother's Day. We took my mother there one year. I would love to go this year, but found out we have to go out of town that day. Sigh.....

  3. This is just beautiful Laura. I think the picture came out fine but you are an expert photographer.

    I am trying to catch up and hope I haven't missed a lot of what is blooming for you!

