Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Rose Challenge - Johann Strauss

Johann Strauss was giving an afternoon concert in the park yesterday. The afternoon light was nice, the weather was balmy, the park was full of folks enjoying themselves; everything was perfect except for one little thing.
Two "ladies" were picking roses! Now, even if they couldn't read the signs that say Don't Pick the Roses, surely common sense would tell them that if everyone picked the roses there would be none left to enjoy. I finally asked them to stop and explained the signs, the reason, and the fact that the garden was funded by donations in memory of loved ones, and it certainly wasn't respectful to their memories. They finally left, but I was still mad. So I went and visited my Mom's roses, calmed down a bit, and enjoyed the last of the concert which I'm sharing here with you.


  1. People are unbelievable, aren't they?

    Glad you said something.

  2. This rose takes my breath away. It's just gorgeous.

  3. I'm tellin ya sometimes, some people have nooo manners or class! Good for you for saying something! Gorgeous rose! Have a good rest of your week~Smiles~Tam!

  4. have you noticed how good your flower photos are getting?

  5. Thank you Spot. That's one reason I challenge myself this way. Taking 20 photos of roses every day is sure to improve my skills.
