Monday, August 17, 2009

Julia and Julie

We went to the movies Friday night and saw Julia and Julie. It was positively delightful! I've always liked Julia Child. I remember watching her cooking shows on PBS back in the 1970s and 80s. They were always educational and entertaining. And who can forget the famous SNL parody with Dan Ackroyd cutting his finger and spurting blood everywhere. That scene was in the movie and I laughed 'til I cried all over again.

Here's the plot: A young modern woman decides to cook every recipe (524) in Julia Child's book Mastering the Art of French Cooking in 365 days and blog about it. It's a wonderful trip as she increases her skills and confidence, gains an audience, and finally triumphs with boning a duck and becoming famous. Anyway, I highly recommend the movie. As we walked out of the theatre after the movie, all we could talk about was food. I was ready to buy a duck, or maybe make Boeuf Bourgoignon, or at least an omelet. We settled for Chinese takeout, but the seed had been planted; I needed to cook something delicious.

So the next day I bought these ingredients and made this:

It's not French, but it was great fun anyway, and we did enjoy the flavors. But I should have gotten more mushrooms. I just love mushrooms, don't you?

The recipe calls for bucatini pasta. I found it at my favorite Italian specialty store.

Here is the finished dish. Rich, creamy, and punctuated by the salty prosciutto - delicious!

The Lord of the Manor made these beets as a side dish. They were excellent too.

So here's our dinner Amongst The Oaks.
Inspired by Julia and Julie.


  1. We saw it on Friday night, too! And I loved it (even The Viking enjoyed it though he was prepared to just tolerate it for my sake).

    We also came out of the theater craving Boeuf Bourguignon and Raspberry Bavarian Cream and The Viking really wants me to find out what Floating Island is! We had to settle for a grilled Reuben, French onion soup and fresh salad, but at least it wasn't Applebee's!

    The Viking keeps asking when I'm going to try boning a duck. I don't think I'm ever going to attempt that one!

  2. Everyone I know who has seen it says to be prepared to NEED FOOD when you leave the theater!

    I can hardly wait to see it!

  3. lol mom had to take those pictures of dinner quick we were eating too fast!

  4. I, too, loved the movie. Your photos are just fabulous.

  5. My two daughters and a group of women friends from age 81 yrs. to the youngest at 23, all LOVED the movie! And yes, it did make us hungry and wanting to cook! Your dish looks scrumptious! V.

  6. I have hearing a lot good things about this movie. Unfortunately I will have to wait until it comes out on DVD so I can watch closed captioned. I will miss too much of the dialog if I watch it at the theater.
