Monday, September 14, 2009

Adventures with Drop Cloths

I finally got my drop cloth curtains done over the weekend. Which is really saying something considering that we had a surprise Welcome Home Party for Teen1 Saturday night. Lots of friends, lots of laughing, lots of fun. See, there were a few issues with the drop cloths....

I had painted the vintage rod, brackets, and rings last week and LOM had already installed them so that wasn't the problem...

I had plenty of free fringe from Travel Bug so that wasn't the problem....

The problem was there was a huge seam down the middle of one of the drop cloths, so I had to go back and get another one. I'm sure I looked like a dork feeling all the drop cloths there at Home Depot, but I didn't want to get another one with a seam!

Obviously other decorators have had my problem and resorted to inspecting before purchasing so they have this message written on the shelf. And after getting burned on one, I was tempted to start ripping them open, but I resisted and got a good one. Oh, and then there was the wildly different sizes! After I'd attached the fringe, folded the top over 8", and sewn all the rings on I discovered one was 3" longer than the other so I had to rehem it.

So all in all, I'm pleased with the project, but I have a few words of advice. First, make sure you select drop cloths that are the same color and weave. Then feel for seams but be prepared for surprises. Launder them before you use them. Not only does it preshrink them, but it makes them softer. And check the length and be prepared to rehem to make them all the same size.

In spite of all that, I like the fabric so much I'm thinking of making a table cloth out of one too.


  1. They look great!
    Totally worth all the trouble!

  2. My goodness! I am glad you persevered in getting that project done! It looks great!!

  3. They look terrific. I'm impressed.

  4. Wow. I had never heard of doing this. Great!

  5. I love the curtain. I think, since I can't sew, that I will buy one for a tablecloth for my outdoor table at the lake. How does that sound? I will wash it first so it is nice and soft and it will go with my cream colored cushions.

    Thank you for the inspiration, Lori, and I am so happy the curtains turned out so nicely in spite of the obstacles!


  6. Beautiful!!! My friend sent me your link as I just finished a drop cloth slipcover project. Infact, I just finished the post about the.

    You did a wonderful job! Great pointers, too. I was lucky and go good dropcloths!!

