Monday, September 21, 2009

Sky Diving

You'll never guess what Teen1 did to celebrate her 18th birthday. Well, maybe you will after reading the title of this post, but anyway, YES, she went sky diving! And she got her Dad, Uncle and Grandpa to go with her. Above is the brave group. And below is her team: photographer on the left, jump master on the right. If you aren't certified, you must make a tandem jump harnessed to the jump master.

Here they are preparing to go to the plane. She had a few friends there to watch.

Taking the funny little cart to the plane....

Here she is coming down. We knew she had the purple chute and that she would land last because she and her partner were quite light and would float the longest.
(These next shots were captured from video, so I apologize for their quality.)
Just before you land, the jump master tells you to stick your legs out in front...

so he can touch down first.

There she is, safely down.


saying, "I'm ALIVE!"...

standing up.....

thanking the jump master.....

breathing again.

What an adventurous kid she is. She amazes me in so many ways!


  1. Wow! That is amazing. I don't think I will ever do that. Too scary for me.

  2. Aewsome, Laura! You have quite an adventuress on your hands. I wonder where she gets that?? ;-)


  3. This is a birthday gift she won't forget. I hope all the family males enjoyed it as well. Have a great day.

  4. aw thanks mommy! yeah it was fun! :) i love you! awesome blog post!! xx
    -teen 1
