Monday, December 21, 2009

Brigitte Cookie Cutter

I love it when a package lands on my porch and today that's exactly what happened. I'd almost forgotten I'd ordered this cookie cutter from Germany, but it arrived today just in time for more Christmas cookies. I saw it at 2 Stews several months ago and finally ordered it. You can arrange little letters to stamp personal messages on the cookies. Is that cute or what?

So Teen2 and I made some that said Joyeux Noel and some that said Buon Natale. Merry Christmas was impossible because it wouldn't fit and there are only two Rs in the kit.

We also made some that said Nice?

And some that said Naughty?

I'm thinking I'll have to eat all the ones that say Naughty. Cause that's what I am; naughty.
This time of year is so hard for me. {sigh}


  1. I LOVE that cookie cutter! What a great idea! Though I fear the only kinds of cookies we would ever produce with it would be of the naughty variety.

    Can't wait to see what other hi-jinks you can get up to with them.

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Great Cookie cutter and printer. When we were kids we had "Nice" bicuits. They were of the Nicoise style of southern France but we didn't know that. I personally thought that they weren't nice unless they were dunked in your cup first. Then there was a real battle on to get them into your mouth before they dropped off the bottom back into the cup.
    Keep cooking Laura. I'm just doing a post on my xmas tarts but they are still very rustic in comparison with your productions.
    Big Cheers for Xmas

  3. What a great cookie cutter for special occasions. You could make place cards that you could eat!

  4. I've been catching up on your posts as I've been busy (must be Christmas!). I love the cookie press with the letters. I have to get one for myself. Speaking of cookies, yours look wonderful!

    I love your cart liner. I need one for my basket. My sister and I are going to Sacramento after the first of the year. Great place!!!

    My hubby and I try to get up to Oregon as often as we can. We love to go to Bandon. Have you been? They have a cranberry festival there in September and I've gotten lots of my cranberry glass there.

    Have a great Christmas.

  5. This is so cute! What a great idea to be able to personalize cookies. Hmmm I am picturing some that I would require explanation points at the end and wind up being placed anonymously on the dorrstep of mine enemies. LoL
    Wishing you a season of CoMfOrt & jOy!
    LiBBy BuTTons

  6. Oh my gosh! I LOVE that cookie cutter! I must order one--what fun My grandkids and I could have with this!
