Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Featured English Blog

For the last month or so I've had a "Featured English Blog" link on the right side of my blog. I hope some of you have clicked on it and actually visited the featured blog, but if not please do!

This latest one is called Cotswold Peeps and is about Gretel's rambles through the Cotswold countryside via footpaths and lanes. She shares beautiful photos of villages, fields, woods, and churches with a little local knowledge and history thrown in.
Her most recent post has a bit about hedge laying. I'll bet you had no idea all those English hedgerows have different styles dependant on their purpose. And did you know they would grown into a line of trees if not cut and "laid" over now and then? Thankfully, the UK is seeing a resurgence in their construction, because the UK just wouldn't be the UK without hedges.
So if you enjoy hedgerows and wildlife, mushrooms and wildflowers, quaint villages and old churches, checker board fields and honey colored stone, this is definitely the place to visit.


  1. I never knew a thing about hedgerows before. Thank you, Laura!


  2. G'eve & how we enjoyed all our visits to England to enjoy these beautiful countryside places & sights.

    Happy Valentine's
    Have a beautiful week!
    Hugs, Marydon

  3. Thank you very much! I'm so happy to be able to share our little bit of England with those who appreciate it, as far as I am concerned it is the most beautiful place in the world...today is the first clear day we've had for a while, so there will be another walk and another blog post later.

    From the cold but blue skied Cotswolds.

  4. GASP! I've never noticed this feature before, Laura! I'm so glad you wrote about this....I'm going to check it out right now :)


  5. I did visit and learned so much. Thanks for sharing this wonderful blog.
