Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Girl Scout Cookies

A little Girl Scout lives next door to us and last night she delivered our cookies. We all did a little happy dance as we whisked them into the kitchen. Who doesn't love Girl Scout cookies and all that they stand for?
I remember when I was a little girl - too young to be a Girl Scout myself - my mom was the Den Mother for my sisters. And I distinctly remember boxes and boxes of cookies stacked in her bedroom when it was cookie sales season. They smelled so good and looked so tempting. And every now and then we would purchase a box - and they tasted good too.

The boxes may have changed; they seem smaller to me now. The labels may have changed; they are much more colorful now. But the cookies still taste like they used to. It's good to know some things never change.

Would anyone care for a Thin Mint?


  1. I would LOVE a thin mint...go ahead and just mail a few to me, okay? ;)

    I can't wait to get my cookies I ordered! I had completely forgotten I ordered some until I read this post! Thanks for the reminder of amazingness I have to look foward to!!!

  2. Would I like a thin mint??? Are you kidding?? They are classic. I love to keep them in the freezer and have a few (well, more than a few), cold and crisp on a hot summer's day (If I can make them last till summer!). C

  3. We know all about Girl Scout cookies! I am our troop's cookie mom this year, and this afternoon we went and picked up 136 cases for the nine girls in our Cadette troop. Thin Mints are the most popular kind and freeze really well if you can manage to not eat them immediately! There also is a seasonal Thin Mint ice cream flavor that you can buy at the store at certain times of the year.

  4. I've already had my fair share of Thin Mints. They are so wonderful!

  5. Thin mints are my favorite too. I remember selling them, then a generation later, helping my troop to sell them. When my girls were scouts, my Sweet Husband used to stash one box of thin mints in the back of the freezer each year. The next season, when we first started taking orders but could not get our hands on the cookies yet, he would bring them out.
    Fond memories, guess I better go find me a girl scout.
    I have enjoyed your blog, this is my first visit.

  6. Now I was a Brownie, Girl Guide and Ranger and we never had Girl scout cookies here! Shame.
    We used to be given a small bag of chocolate powder though. It was like heaven because there were no sweets (candies) during and for a while after the second world war.

  7. For me it's always the peanut butter sandwich cookies!!! Yummo!!

  8. TY for the offer! I love them ALL, but PB is still my fav.

    Have a beautiful week ~
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  9. Thin mints are the best. Do you remember the little sugar tea cookies. I loved those.

  10. My daughter is a Brownie Girl Scout and we just finished up the last of the sales. What an experience. Those girls just loved selling those things, and I have to tell you, the Thin Mints were so popular! I love your post.
