Saturday, July 24, 2010

Conservatory of Flowers

After Teen1's doctor appointment Friday we popped over to Golden Gate Park and visited the Conservatory of Flowers. It had been years since I'd been there and Teen1 had never been there. It was even more interesting than I remembered. Not only is it a gorgeous Victorian structure, but it is full of fascinating plants - and you know how I love gardens.

It is divided into zones; Lowland Tropics, Highland Tropics, Aquatic Plants, Potted Plants and Special Exhibits. These orchids were in the Highland Tropic area.

Despite its high humidity, I enjoyed the Aquatic Plant area the most. There were several hanging baskets of these fantastical Asian pitcher plants in various sizes and colors.

And these beautiful water lilies.
In the Lowland Tropic zone there were ferns, coffee plants, vanilla plants, and banana plants. The oldest resident of the conservatory, a 100 year old philodendron also lives there. It reaches way up into the steel support beams high above everyone's head.

Another huge plant is the Amazon Water Lily. The leaves of these "water platters" sometimes grow 6' across! Their flower starts out white, but turns pink the second day.
If you love plants and flowers and are looking for a nice day out, perhaps you should consider the Conservatory of Flowers in Golden Gate Park. It's a fascinating place. For more information click here: Conservatory of Flowers


  1. What a lovely place. Tropical plants always seem so architectural. They really are amazing.

  2. Beautiful place. I am a florist and those flowers just amazed me. Thanks for sharing

  3. Here on this quiet holiday morning I've been catching up on my bloglist and as always you offer a beautifully illustrated chronicle of life at the other end of this huge continent of ours - so different and yet so similar! Thanks for sharing.
    Janet in East Coast Canada

  4. Lovely! I have not been there in forever! Hmm....another thing to consider for a day trip.

