Monday, April 4, 2011

Masses of Wisteria

Our wisteria is now in full bloom and I spent quite a while outside Sunday admiring and photographing it.
I is beautiful in every form from these unopened tips...
to these about-to-open buds...
to this fully opened nectar filled flower.
Surely wisteria is one of my favorite pleasures of spring.


  1. Oh how beautiful. It will be a while before it blooms here in Virginia. Can't wait. I am like you and it is one of my favorites. ~~Sherry~~

  2. as always we are a couple of weeks behind you, show off :-) but we will get there
    Spot and the OHG

  3. That is the most gorgeous plant! I don't think we can grow it successfully here, we are too far north, but I sure hope I see some blooming in real life before I die! Your pictures were great.
