Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Grandma's Sewing Box

Whilst searching for brown embroidery floss for Hyacinth's eyes, I found some old needles in Grandmother's sewing box.

This grandmother is the Lord of the Manor's mom's mom. When her husband passed on, we all helped to clean out the house and each of us got to select a few items for remembrance. I selected some old sewing things. Anyway, I found the old packages of needles to be quite interesting.

These were all made in England. I have no idea how old they are, but since she would be 104 years old if she were still alive, I'm guessing they could be over 50 years old - and there are still needles in them.

This one looks like it's from the 1950s. If you used these needles, look how happy your home would be!

And look at the happy springy colors inside.

I think this one is my favorite because I love roses.

It's only missing one needle.

The design on this one looks older, maybe Deco?

Still a few needles in each of these too. So why in the world did she buy all these needles and not use them? I know she was quite a seamstress, but really, how could one possibly use all these needles?

The good thing is: I'll never have to buy another needle in my entire life. Whether I need to darn, quilt, hem, embroider, or simply sew on a button, I'm set!
p.s. Sorry to not post yesterday; Teen1 and I went to Oakland, then when we got home there was dinner to make and a uniform to hem (and I knew right where to find a needle), and Teen2 needed a ride to Taiko, and they day just got away from me.


  1. I'm very interested in needles lately, especially anything that promises to be easy threading.

    Your collection is wonderful; the packaging is completely charming.

  2. Hi Laura,
    What a charming glance at days past. Such beautiful packages!

    I sometimes wish that the day WOULD get away from me. Then I would get something done, and not spend way too much time at the computer! :)

  3. I just happened onto your blog. I love old sewing accessories and collect them. These are very beautiful! What a wonderful thing to have as an heirloom too. Do you keep the sewing box out on display? It is just so pretty.

    ~~ Heidi ~~

  4. Heidi-
    No, I don't display the sewing box, but I still use it. I've always sewn. My mom taught me to sew on an old Singer treadle machine. I loved that old thing. It had the neatest attachments. The buttonholer was the bomb! It had these little cams for the different sizes and styles, and made perfect buttonholes. I wish I still had it.
    Hugs, Laura

  5. I would have chosen these too, I don't sew (well I only sew on buttons), but I love the nostalgia of this old packaging and the green packaging is definitely from the deco period. Really nice vintage collectibles. x

  6. Hello, I came by to see your doors post, but then I got interested in the little dog you made - that's totally amazing! And then I noticed all these antique needles. I've got some just like this! They belonged to my grandmother, who was born about 1896 I think....gosh! I've got some of her cards of snaps too...they are probably as old as I am - late 50's!

    I really love your little dog. So clever!

