Monday, March 3, 2008

Needle Felting

Way back last December I found a little needle felting ornament kit at Michaels. I had tiny dabs of red, green, gold and white roving and two needles. I messed around with it and tried to figure out the concept and methods. Meanwhile Christmas came and I set it aside determined to find some better roving colors.
Last weekend Teen2 and I were wandering around town and we found a yarn shop that had some roving. We decided it was worth the $37.00. Ouch. But aren't the colors wonderful? Heck, we had fun just playing with the colors, rearranging them in the box. When we got home I googled needle felting, got some more ideas, discovered pipe cleaner armatures, and finally decided on a first project. And after many days, some gnashing of teeth, a few painful pokes, and an awful lot of oohing and aahing from Teen1 and Teen2, I'm proud to announce the birth of.....

Her Royal Highness Princess Hyacinth!

She was born last night about 8:45 PST and we are just as pleased as can be! She is 2" tall, about 1 1/2" wide, has pink and white hair and weighs about 6 grams. She has a heart shaped birthmark on her chest and wears a pink ribbon around her neck.
So that's all the exciting news from here Amongst The Oaks.


  1. How absolutely adorable. Those felting needles are wicked looking, but with talented hands they certainly produced a little cutey.

  2. Oh my goodness have just ofund you via the 'Red House' - love your photographs and the pics of the recipes - I am inspired to cook.
    Will drop by again

  3. Came to you via Little Red House. What a very sweet bear! Love your photos!


  4. Well, this is just about the CUTEST little thing I've seen in awhile.
    Hi...I'm bj and I am very glad to meet you. Mary at her Little Red House sent me over. You sent her such a lovely surprise...I loved the plate..I loved them all!
    You have a lovely blog and I will be back many times.
    Pls. stop by to see me when you can...
    hugs, bj

  5. She is just gorgeous, I love miniature bears, I would love her. I have noticed a few bloggers needlefelt, is it difficult? x

  6. Hi Laura The teddy bear is adorable. What a fabulous job you did. Very inspiring. Can't wait to see what you'll be up to next. Rhondi

  7. Hi, I came over to visit from Mary's Little Red House. Your blog is lovely ~ as is Hyacinth! I'll be sure to visit again.

  8. How cute. I know notheing about felting needels, but that looks really sweet.
    Margaret and Noreen

  9. This little bear is precious. I was over at Little Red House and she had your link. Such a lovely blog, I poked around a bit and no wonder Mary had such nice things to say. Karen

  10. Hello from Brooklyn, New York! I've come by way of Little Red House and enjoyed your blog very much!

    Princess Hyacinth is adorable, your baking looks divine, and I'm so happy your husband's shoulder is getting better --ouch--I know that surgery hurts!

  11. I just discovered your blog via another blog. It's lovely and your photography is beautiful. Stop and visit mine!

    I saw in one of your posts that you drove to Oakdale to go to The Empty Nest. I live in Escalon. Are you close? My camelias are blooming just like yours.
