Thursday, March 12, 2009

Glorious Purple

Edited to add: These are in a cream pitcher and each flower is about 1" across.
Every spring when the violets bloom I collect a bouquet like this. There are over 100 stems in there, and it takes a while, but I love their glorious shade of purple, their delicate scent, and the memories they hold.

These violets were given to me by my dear neighbor Lois one house and many years ago. I've nurtured them through the years, moving them when we moved, and protecting them through the big remodel. And every year they repay me by sending up thousands of these long stemmed beauties. And they always remind me of my sweet neighbor who was so generous with her plant cuttings and her friendship.

Here is another purple flower that is starting to bloom here Amongst The Oaks. I posted frequent photos last year. You can look here or click on "Spring" in my catagories to see more. It is wistaria according that brilliant Lurcher in Cornwall, or wisteria here in the colonies. However you spell it, it is a wonderful plant. We pruned it rather heavily this winter and it is rewarding us with fat blossoms that are just beginning to color. I'll post a photo of it at its best in about a week.

And look at what else is starting to bloom; lilac! I really love lilac and wish I had lots more of it. I have two dependable plants and one not so reliable. But I always have enough to make a bouquet for us and one to share with SisterP at work because she loves spring and lilacs too.
Thanks everyone for all the nice comments yesterday. I think I have Mr. Linky figured out now and I plan to participate in Outdoor Wednesday again.


  1. I know you have quite the green thumb and even more so now that I have seen this ageless violet! I love their velvety blossoms, and I adore the pitcher you have it in.

    I would love for you to help me out with the wisteria I planted at the lake last fall. I really don't have a clue how to take care of it. On a new plant~what would be my most concern this spring? Any feeding requirements? Any pruning yet? I would so appreciate any help. My email is on my blog. :-)


  2. These really are impressively lovely violets -- I don't think I've ever seen any so bright and big.

  3. Morning,
    When my neighbor gave these to me she said they were the best: big, long stemmed, scented, and not apt to make lots of seedlings. And she was right. But maybe my photo makes them look bigger than they are. They are in a cream pitcher and each flowere is about 1" across.

  4. You are SUCH a great photographer!

    I have that same little creamer - don'tchya just love Pink Tower?

  5. How stunningly beautiful! We don't have anything like that blooming yet here in New Jersey, it's still too cold!

    I love violets and yours look so sweet in that little pitcher.

    Thanks for sharing...
