Monday, May 4, 2009

Little Sister

Remember last August and September when I shared my sister's birthdays? Turn about is fair play, so here I am. I should have shared it with you last week when it was my birthday, but I forgot because I was so busy with the Rose Challenge.

I'm a Taurus and recently found this post on Willow's blog about Taurus. It's all so true for me - practical, earthy, reliable, appreciation of beauty. But that stubborn part, not so much. In fact, I'm more apt to say "Yes" than "No" when given a suggestion. Check it out and let me know if it fits the Taurus in your life.


  1. A very happy belated birthday. I hope you enjoyed your special day. I love the picture.

  2. Happy Birthday LauraI You look darling in the picture but I truly adore the little Laura on your sidebar, totally immersed in a good book!!

    I am an aquarius. I think I live up to it pretty well!


  3. Hope your birthday was wonderful! The photo is so sweet!

  4. Happy Birthday!! Belatedly that is. Hope you had a wonderful day. You probably did, since you were having so much fun with your rose challenge.

  5. They should add that when most Taurus people die, they're incredibly wealthy. :-) You look adorable as a child.

  6. Hey! Happy Belated Birthday to a most talented woman!
