Monday, October 5, 2009

Graveyard Columns

Yea! The columns are finished so I can set up the graveyard this week and move on to other projects. Don't they look positively creepy? The only glaring problem is that dent in one of the basketballs. Ack! I have no idea how that happened; maybe because it was cold last night? Anyway, I figure if I poke a hole in it the pressure will equalize and the dent will disappear. It's always something, isn't it?

Here is a sneak preview of the invitations.....
I've got to get them handed out and/or in the mail this week, so tonight is the night to finish up thirty little coffins....


  1. They look great! Can't wait to see the graveyard!

  2. This is going to be one great party! Love the columns. I thought the dent made it look s bit authentic!

    Love your new header as well!

