Thursday, October 8, 2009

Halloween Decorations

I have started putting up some Halloween decorations outside. First I put up the Pots of Fire. I got them at the Halloween Store and I love them. They are simply a plastic bowl with a little fan and orange lights shining on silky flame shaped fabric. Simple, but they look so real!

I also made this thing the other night. It is a cardboard cutout painted black and propped up in the window between the shade and the glass. It is soooooo easy, but very effective, don't you think? I'm trying to make all my decorations super cheap and "green" so I used old cardboard boxes that I found in my neighbors recycling. I still have several pieces left, so I think I'll make some giant spiders, a cat on a stack of books, and maybe a dead guy hanging from a noose.
On the subject of being green; I got my costume at thrift stores (charity shops) and have only spent about $15.oo. I'm going to be the Victorian Lady of the Manor. I found $4 shoes, a $2 skirt, a $3 jacket, a $2 hat, and a $2 brooch. I will dress up the jacket with lace at the cuffs and collar, and maybe lots of little jet buttons up the front, and maybe make the shoes more antique looking with fake boot tops and buttons.
So how is your costume coming along?


  1. Love the pots o' fire and the witchy silhouette! I'm working on a spider web panel for the porch door and a pair of sinister eyes for the dining room windows (the only double windows that face the street).

    I always get all my costumes at thrift or consignment shops, if I don't already have the stuff in my packed-to-the-gills costume bins in the attic! I found a deluxe Batman costume for Man-Cub at my favorite consignment shop on Tuesday and this weekend, we're off to Goodwill this weekend to find items for Mrs. Peacock and Colonel Mustard costumes.

    Can't wait to see your costume!

  2. The cardboard cutout is cool.
