Friday, December 4, 2009

Little Houses

I can't remember a time when I wasn't interested in houses. Even as a child I remember being fascinated with a friend's dollhouse and later I remember drawing houses and painting houses and sculpting houses. In high school I did many art projects involving houses. (I think my sister TravelBug has a little clay model I made of her house in 1973.) And I made this model of a Victorian house out of paper and cardboard in my senior year.
I entered it in a few art shows and got a blue ribbon at the County Fair. When I look at it now I see how lame it was, but for a 17 year old kid, I guess it's not too bad. I hand cut all those little scalloped strips for the roofing (mainly in my History class) with little fingernail scissors. It took me months to make and I even made a glass case to hold it. It still sits in a cupboard in my living room.

When we planned our house remodel I made this model of how the new house would look. I used the elevations and glued them to cardboard, then colored, cut, and glued it together. It was a great aid and reference tool as we made decisions about the details and our house actually came out pretty much like this. And this.

This end of the kitchen looks exactly like a photo I took here but now it has roses and a trellis.

So it's no surprise that I'm once again making little houses. Here is my latest glitter house. It's a little stone cottage with a thatched roof and a snowy hedge. I am having so much fun with these little houses here Amongst The Oaks. How about you? How are your Christmas projects coming along?


  1. Your little house is adorable! I love retro glitter crafts. And I have a little blue house you made of clay in my china cabinet.

  2. You've certainly got a talent. Keep on making glitter houses. I'm sure anyone would be thrilled to get one for a gift too!

  3. You did a wonderful job on your HS project!! Excellent job for a 17 year old!

    And now I love your glitter house. I am trying to get my decorations afloat and then I will have stress free time to embrace some fun projects!


  4. Yep, Dallasmom has one little house of yours and Radgirl has the other one since that's where we lived when she was born. Special treasures......thank you!


  5. You are incredible, Laura. And your HS project? Lame??? I think NOT! it's amazing!

    And I'm loving your glitter houses...
