Sunday, April 19, 2009

Roses: New Year and Joseph's Coat

The weather here has suddenly gotten very warm so I expect an explosion of roses soon. I found these New Year roses at my Dad's house. They really are a lovely shade of orange and they really stand out against the green foliage.
Whilst I was there I made a bouquet for him using Mr. Lincoln and Tiffany. It looked nice on the dining room table and I hope he enjoys it, but I'm thinking maybe he's a bit overwhelmed with all those roses to care for. He said I could dig up any I like next winter and take them home. He is 82 years old after all, and it's a lot of work to care for 25 rose bushes plus all the other plants in his garden. Maybe I should help him with the January pruning since that seems to be the most difficult task for him.

Back Amongst The Oaks, my Joseph's Coat is loaded with blooms. Remember back on April 1st when I showed you the first few flowers? Well, look at it now. My kitchen sink is just inside that window and I love the view this time of year. Even washing up is pleasant with Joseph's Coat in bloom.


  1. i think that is beautiful!! but i have questions about climbers. do you trim them? is there a big prune after fall? i have had no luck with mine in socal. jkj

  2. Such a beautiful rose!! I love Joe's Coat. Your plant looks fantastic.

  3. Those roses are so so pretty! When I finally get a deck added to the back of my house, with a pergola, I plan on adding "Pierre de Ronsard" climbing roses. I love your roses. There is nothing prettier.

  4. Beautiful pictures...I have that climber, also!

  5. Just Stunning!! I would love a view like that too. Takes my breath away.

  6. Gorgeous! We are trying for some trellising......I'll send you an email.
    Love your Phoebe!
    ((hugs)) carolyne

  7. Oh my gosh, Laura. AMAZING! Your house and gardens need to be in a magazine!

  8. How Stunning!

    Just so beautiful and pretty.

    I was doing research on Josephs Coat in the Bible and came accross this. I never knew that there was a Rose called the same name?


