Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Jacob's Ladder

Monday, October 29, 2007
Faux Painting

And our address sign was all clean and new before I got to it. Now is has lichen and dirt and looks just perfect. Actually I think some of that is dirt and green stuff that falls off the oak trees.

This is a wall in our Library. The photo doesn't do it justice. I actually looks like leather. First we painted the walls a deep red. Then we used the antiquing glaze again and working in small sections, applied Saran wrap to the wet glaze. After patting it into the paint, we peeled it off and it left this gorgeous mottled pattern. I just love the irregularity and depth of this technique.

So here's my theory: If life hands you tatty wallpaper, faux paint it!
Sunday, October 28, 2007

Saturday, October 27, 2007

I promised I'd show you some of my dishes, so last night I played with table settings. These are my very first dishes ever; Noritake Parkridge. You know, the "wedding gift dishes". I remember going to Pardini's when I was only 18 and selecting these, wondering where and when and with whom these fancy dishes would ever be used. But here they are many meals and 34 years later, still loved and used.

These are plain white with a little gold rim. They can be dressed up or down and are very versatile. Here they are dressed up for a fancy fall dinner. You saw them two weeks ago at the Oktoberfest dressed down for outdoor dining.

I got these especially for my mother's birthday parties. Her birthday was February 14th and I always did pink and white with roses. I can't look at these dishes without thinking of my Mom.

These are my Christmas Eve/Boxing Day soup bowls. We always have a luminary party on Christmas Eve, and soup allows me to join in the festivities outdoors, so I got these at Target one year. I saw the plates there last week and I think I'll get those this year too. Oops, there goes my dishaholism again.

If you've slogged all the way through this, I sincerely thank you. Aha! You must be a dishaholic too!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Big Remodel Phase II

After the Holidays the contractor started the exterior plastering, but first Hubby built and applied the faux door surround to the front porch and the tall attic vents for the gable ends. Then the chimney pots arrived

Meanwhile the drywall was finished inside, the bathroom was tiled, doors were hung, and carpet was installed. We laid the over 800 sq. ft. of floor tiles, but it went pretty quickly because they are 16" square.
Finally sometime in August, the house was completed enough to get our permit signed off. We were finally "approved for occupancy". Pretty funny considering we'd been living in the house the whole time. But we finally had the inspectors and contractors out of our home. Now we could begin the custom work on the inside; the mouldings, cabinets and architectural details that would make our house into our dream cottage here Amongst The Oaks.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Creepy Stuff

Here's our front window. See the cat next to the Celtic tombstone? It's the most perfectly well behaved cat ever because it's fake. On Halloween night we'll put the Jacob's Ladder here. And what, you ask, is a Jacob's Ladder? It's a cool thing Hubby made out of an old transformer. Think shades of Frankenstein's laboratory. I'll show you that closer to Halloween.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Bird Watching

Monday, October 22, 2007
House Names

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Friday, October 19, 2007
Spa Day

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Big Remodel Phase I

I spents weeks going over and over the plans making adjustments, refinements, and corrections. We first submitted them to the City on July 6th and after a month they were returned for corrections. We re-submitted them and FINALLY on September 5th they were approved. While the City had the plans we had been busy arranging financing and hiring a general contractor who would allow us to do some of the work on the house ourselves. We also packed most of our furniture into a storage shed, rented a giant dumpster, and moved plants away from the construction zone. We were finally ready. It was time for the Big Remodel.
So early one Saturday morning we literally took a Sawzall (bless the inventor of that miracle!) and started cutting the little red house into manageable chunks and stacking them into the dumpster. I'm sure the neighbors thought we'd gone mad and at times I did too, but we persevered and in a fortnight only one third of the house was left standing. You could see all the way to the back fence where the living room and dining room used to be. We left two bedrooms, a bathroom, the laundry room and the kitchen untouched. We continued to live in those rooms for several months but the absurdity of walking out of the bedroom hall and into a construction site was sometimes startling. Since there was no connection between the bedroom area and kitchen area we really had no choice.

By October the general contractor was pouring new sections of foundation and framing up new walls. The new walls were made taller so they would come out even with the old walls plus the old flat roof. We set the roof trusses on these taller walls in some areas and on the old roof in other areas. It was an exciting day when the trusses arrived and the roof began to take shape. Then the windows were installed and the exterior walls sheathed in plywood.

By December the house was all sheathed and roofed and we had a new walkway to the front porch. We had no wallboard, tile or carpet in the new area, but we set up a tree in the new front window and celebrated our newly found privacy along with Christmas.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
California's Second Spring