I did battle yesterday and here are my weapons. Yes, I started pruning the roses. I prune them every year about this time. I prune them rather hard because I want the bushes to remain a manageable height and I like the larger roses that hard pruning creates.

Here is a Double Delight before I pruned it.

Here I am pruning away, wearing my favorite boots that I bought in Chagford. I don't really need them here in sunny dry California, but I LOVE them anyway. I also wear long sleeves and leather gloves. Even with that protection, blood is frequently involved, but not yesterday, HA!

And here is that same Double Delight after pruning.

So after finishing the roses in the front garden, we had tea outdoors near the fireplace. After the nice warmup I decided I'd pruned enough for one day; I'll try to finish tomorrow. But if I don't they will wait patiently for me here Amongst The Oaks.