Back when I started this blog my header said "Creating Our Little English Cottage" Amongst The Oaks. And I did sort of tell how we remodeled this house into a cottage, but then I started drifting and wandering and experimenting and sharing all kinds of different things. So I was compelled to change that line to "Our Little English Cottage" Amongst The Oaks. Which of course worked fine but I still harbor the idea of creating a truly English style home; thick walls, casement windows, simple finishes, lots of clutter, nestled in a garden. Well folks, my latest issue of
Cottages & Bungalows has shown me the way.

See at the top where it says Eco Beauty? That's it! My new house. And we can make it ourselves! All we need is bales of rice straw and plaster. Not only is it energy efficient, it's gorgeous too!

I really like the way the house snuggles in the garden and under the wisteria.

Doesn't it look terribly English? Deep window recesses, simple white walls, lots of clutter. It could be a little cob cottage in England, couldn't it?
I think I'm in love with this idea. Does anyone know where I can buy 1000 bales of straw?
Come to Oregon for that baled hay. Actually you can get it almost anywhere. The problem is finding a builder who knows how to build with it.
I have enjoyed all of my visits to your blog. Your photography and artistic creativity continually amazes me. Thank you for sharing so much beauty with us. 1000 bags of hay...well, you might need to come to PA for that. Not sure how all that would work in the winter snows we have here. If you build it and document it, I will be watching each step of the way.
Sigh. And ache.
I'm a wee bit behind on your blog, but I intend to come around and get good and caught up this weekend!
Sigh again.
what you need are 4 dogs, an open door policy, quantities of rain close to that required for the second flood, plus walls that are confused about which side is outside, a capacity to ignore the bits that are falling off the house, a dilapidated central heating system and electrical wiring the main purpose of which has been to provide food for rodents. Oh, and an Aga. Leave the garden to return to nature,sit back, stir and wait for 20 years. I know, Laura, that you simply could not tolerate it!
I am not sure how to proceed with that idea. But I do see baled hay around now. Noticed some on our return trip from Fresno last Saturday. Those thick walls would make a home energy efficient I would think.
Oh Spot, you are so funny. Yes, I know authentic English cottages can be damp, crumbly, and have tempermental heating and wiring, BUT they are so charming! And they are charming precisely because of the dogs, Aga, semi-wild garden, and clutter. But you are right in assuming I wouldn't like the rodents. Ugh.
and PS that cottage picture is definitely not in Cornwall. Looking at the roof tiles and lavender in the garden we reckon it must be in Provence, (or Spain or anywhere warmer than here). We can only dream!
I love looking at the coziness of the clutter--but could not live with it!
Don't they still grow rice not too far away from you? You might be able to get some rice straw nearby. But what a shame to move when you have almost finished your beautiful home and garden!
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